
POLITICO Playbook: How fast could the impeachment trial be? - POLITICO

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JUST DAYS AWAY from the start of the Senate impeachment trial, President DONALD TRUMP is expected to respond to the summons notifying him of the trial later today. Meanwhile on Capitol Hill, Senate Majority Leader MITCH MCCONNELL is keeping his cards close to the vest, letting few — even in his own conference — know exactly how he plans to run the impeachment trial.

BURGESS EVERETT and MARIANNE LEVINE have the latest on Republicans weighing an aggressive impeachment trial schedule next week: “Senate GOP leaders are weighing accelerating the pace of the trial, eyeing a schedule that would maintain the same overall number of hours for opening arguments and senatorial questions as employed in Clinton’s case, but spreading it out over fewer days, according to six people familiar with internal deliberations.

“If each side used all its debate time, that could mean fewer calendar days for the trial and a faster verdict. Clinton’s trial ran for five weeks, with opening arguments starting a week after it formally began. Trump's could be far shorter.

“In their partisan opening resolution, Republicans are considering providing 24 hours of opening arguments to both the House impeachment managers and the White House counsel. If each team wants to use the full amount of hours, they may have to do so over as few as two days, potentially leading to long trial days. … But simply the threat of long workdays could condense those opening stages; during Clinton’s trial not all debate time was used.

“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has indicated to the White House he wants to use this structure, according to a source familiar with the matter. Nothing has been firmly decided, and the resolution is still being written. And the fact that the GOP is still debating the logistics of the trial demonstrate how delicate the issue is, and how few people are clued into what McConnell has in store for the Senate over the coming days.” POLITICO

HOW DEMS ARE PREPARING: WAPO’S MIKE DEBONIS: “According to House aides working on the impeachment case, the seven managers — led by Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) and Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) — are to meet through the long Martin Luther King Jr. Day weekend along with dozens of staff members.

“They are seeking a conviction, but with all but a handful of Republicans publicly skeptical of Trump’s removal on the basis of the current evidence, they must first as a threshold matter persuade four Republicans to join with the 45 Democrats and two independents who caucus with Democrats to extend the trial by admitting additional witness testimony and documents.

“They also must balance the need to appeal solely to the audience of 100 before them while also making the case to the public about the seriousness of the president’s conduct — which, they believe, could in turn influence the votes of some key senators.” WaPo

NYT’S MICHAEL SHEAR: “Dust Off the Impeachment Tables, a Senate Trial Is Underway”

YES, HE’S ON TEAM TRUMP ... BUT ONLY KINDA -- “Dershowitz plays down role on Trump impeachment team,” by Evan Semones: “High-profile attorney Alan Dershowitz on Friday repeatedly sought to clarify his role on President Donald Trump’s impeachment defense team, insisting he was not a ‘full-fledged’ member. ‘I will present the history of the constitutional impeachment provisions, the history of impeachments that have gone on … and make a broad argument,’ Dershowitz told MSNBC’s Ari Melber. ‘My sole responsibility is to analyze and present the constitutional arguments against impeachment based on the two articles of impeachment.’

“Dershowitz went on to say that he will serve in a ‘limited’ capacity and will not be a part of the president’s tactical strategic team. ‘I am trying to present a very nonpartisan view of the Constitution and I think it would be refreshing to have a nonpartisan view introduced on the Senate floor in this highly partisan impeachment and removal,’ Dershowitz added.” POLITICODarren Samuelsohn, Anita Kumar and Josh Gerstein on Trump’s all-star, TV-friendly legal team.

ANOTHER PARNAS TWIST -- “Nunes aide communicated with Parnas about Ukraine campaign, messages show,” by WaPo’s Paul Sonne, Rosalind S. Helderman and Greg Miller: “House Democrats released new documents Friday evening showing extensive contact between an associate of President Trump’s personal attorney and an aide to the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee regarding the effort to obtain material from Ukrainian prosecutors that would be damaging to former vice president Joe Biden.

“The text messages between Lev Parnas, who functioned as Rudolph W. Giuliani’s emissary to Ukrainian officials, and Derek Harvey, an aide to Rep. Devin Nunes, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, indicate Nunes’s office was aware of the operation at the heart of impeachment proceedings against the president — and sought to use the information Parnas was gathering.

“The newly released texts show that Parnas was working last spring to set up calls for Harvey with the Ukrainian prosecutors who were feeding Giuliani information about Biden. … The messages also show that Harvey met with Parnas and Giuliani at the Trump hotel in Washington. Harvey and a spokesman for Nunes did not immediately respond to requests for comment.” WaPo

CNN: “Barr dropped into Giuliani meeting at Justice Department in previously undisclosed encounter,” by Evan Perez and David Shortel: “Attorney General William Barr briefly attended a meeting at the Justice Department last fall between top criminal prosecutors and President Donald Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, a department official said Friday. The meeting reveals a previously undisclosed interaction between two men the President depends on to defend him.

“Justice officials have sought to distance the department and Barr from Giuliani since it became clear in recent months that the former New York mayor is the subject of an investigation by Manhattan federal prosecutors. Giuliani was a part of a team of defense attorneys representing a Venezuelan client when they met with Justice Department officials.

“The two men are said not to be close despite their roles as top legal advisers to the President. Barr has kept a notable distance even while Trump mentioned them both together in a July phone call in which he urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to work with Giuliani and Barr to investigate a political rival, Joe Biden. Justice officials have said Barr has never spoken to Giuliani about Ukraine and hasn't taken any action to investigate the Bidens.” CNN

NEW: JOSH GERSTEIN: “Rod Rosenstein says he made call to release Strzok-Page texts,” by Josh Gerstein: “Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein authorized the release to the media of text messages between two highly placed FBI employees who exchanged criticism of then-candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign, the Justice Department has revealed in a new court filing.

“Rosenstein also said in the court filing submitted shortly before midnight Friday that he made the decision to share the messages with the press in part to protect FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page from unfair criticism.” POLITICO

Good Saturday morning.

HMM -- “National Archives exhibit blurs images critical of President Trump,” by WaPo’s Joe Heim

SCOOP: “Trump berates Azar over bad health care polling,” by Nancy Cook, Dan Diamond, and Adam Cancryn: “President Donald Trump lashed out at HHS Secretary Alex Azar on Thursday after senior aides presented him with polling data showing that voters prefer Democrats on health care, according to six people with knowledge of the conversation.

“Trump, who phoned Azar from a meeting with his political affairs team, expressed frustration that voters haven’t rewarded him for taking actions to lower drug prices, the sources said.

Trump’s outburst sent White House staff scrambling to convene a meeting on drug pricing this morning with potentially more to come. Some predicted Trump could look to push harder on stalled drug pricing proposals, including one opposed by many in his party.

“Trump on Thursday grilled Azar about the administration’s new plan to let states import drugs from Canada, with a focus on how it would affect his reelection prospects in battleground states like Florida, according to two individuals. Azar, whose job does not appear to be in jeopardy, and other officials have promised Trump that the new importation plan will play a significant role in lowering drug costs, although some experts have derided the idea as a political stunt.” POLITICO

-- “Supreme Court will again review Obamacare birth control mandate,” by Susannah Luthi

ON THE GROUND -- ELENA SCHNEIDER in Emmetsburg, Iowa: “Buttigieg tries to recapture Iowa magic”: “Pete Buttigieg is not touching the he-said-she-said between two of his chief primary rivals. In fact, he’s going to great lengths not to talk about any opponents at all, after spending the fall drawing contrasts with them.

“Instead, Buttigieg, who has dropped 5 to 7 points in the polling averages here in a few months, is trying to regain the first-place position he once held in Iowa, closing out on a message of party unity. He’s staying outside of the conversation dominating cable news, campaigning miles away from the impeachment proceedings that called his opponents in the Senate away to jury duty.

“In a five-day, marathon sprint across Iowa, including a brief break for Tuesday night’s debate in Des Moines, the former South Bend, Ind., mayor bounded into middle school gyms and VFW halls to make his case to ‘a lot of voters who are still in decision mode” who “still could vote for any number of candidates,’ Buttigieg told reporters.” POLITICO

-- “In Iowa, the spotlight is on Democrats. The Trump campaign is trying to change that,” by WaPo’s Holly Bailey in Des Moines

RUNNING WHILE FEMALE -- “They ‘Would Love to See a Woman in Office,’ but It’s Not Priority No. 1,” by NYT’s Lisa Lerer in Winterset, Iowa: “In the final weeks before the Iowa caucuses, the two leading female candidates remaining in the Democratic primary are embracing their gender as an asset, decisively pushing back against concerns that a woman can’t be elected president. …

“Since Donald J. Trump took office, women have emerged as the backbone of the Democratic Party, leading protests, creating new political organizations and running for office. A record number of women are serving in Congress, and the #MeToo movement has raised awareness of sexual assault and gender bias. Saturday marks the fourth annual Women’s March, with events taking place around the country and the world.

“Yet, the sisterhood may stop before the White House. In interviews with nearly two dozen female voters in Iowa this week, the symbolism of breaking what Hillary Clinton called ‘that highest, hardest glass ceiling’ in politics seemed to be less resonant than ever before, particularly for older voters, who were subsumed by anxiety about defeating Mr. Trump.” NYT NYT’S Emma Goldberg asks the question -- Would a 37-Year-Old Woman Be Where Pete Buttigieg Is?

REMEMBER THIS … LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL UPDATE: “Last charge dropped in sex slave case against ex-GOP consultant,” by David Ferrara: “Prosecutors on Tuesday dropped the last remaining criminal charge against a former Las Vegas-based Republican consultant accused of sexually enslaving and assaulting his former fiancee. A lawyer for Benjamin Sparks said after a brief court hearing that the woman had concocted the allegations and lied to authorities when she said he physically abused her and prevented her from leaving her apartment.

“‘It’s a complete fabrication, and we can prove it’s a complete fabrication,’ Josh Tomsheck said. ‘Once she became aware we had the evidence in the case, she stopped showing up to court.’ The decision came three months after prosecutors dismissed more serious charges against Sparks. Chief Deputy District Attorney Steven Rose said the woman had developed an illness that prevented her from testifying at a misdemeanor battery trial for the next several weeks or even months.

“‘She indicated to me that because of a medical condition, she would not be able to testify for a relatively lengthy period of time,’ Rose said, adding that the woman knew charges against Sparks would be thrown out. He declined to elaborate on her condition. In October, the prosecutor dismissed five felony counts, including kidnapping, against Sparks.” LVR

TRUMP’S SATURDAY -- The president has nothing on his public schedule.


WOMP WOMP -- “Never Trumpers flame out,” by Alex Isenstadt: “The ‘Never Trump’ movement had once hoped to embarrass President Donald Trump in 2020 with a primary challenge that would expose the president’s weaknesses within his own party. But Trump’s GOP opponents are failing to even get on the ballot in many states, let alone gain traction with Republican voters.

“With the start of primary season just weeks away, Trump rivals Joe Walsh and Bill Weld are ceding an array of key battlegrounds. Walsh won’t be competing in more than half of the 30 states and territories whose filing deadlines have already passed, while Weld won’t be contending 12 of them. The latest blow came Wednesday, when the two missed the deadline to make the Virginia ballot, making Trump the sole contender.

“It's the latest reminder of Trump’s vice-like grip on the GOP — and how any hint of opposition within the party has been extinguished. Even before a single contest has been held, the president has already gone a long way toward securing renomination: He will be the only candidate on the ballot in nine states that collectively account for nearly one-third of the delegates needed.” POLITICO

FOR YOUR RADAR -- REUTERS/SEOUL: “North Korean foreign minister replaced: report”: “North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho has been replaced, Seoul-based NK News reported on Saturday. Ri’s replacement has not been identified but Pyongyang is set to reveal his successor about next Thursday, the report said, citing unnamed sources. South Korea’s unification ministry, which is in charge of North Korea affairs, has said that any change in Ri’s status should be assessed cautiously.” Reuters

MORE PROBLEMS AT BOEING: “Boeing Finds New Software Problem That Could Complicate 737 MAX’s Return,” by WSJ’s Andy Pasztor: “Boeing Co. is grappling with still another software problem that has cropped up in its effort to fix its 737 MAX aircraft, adding to technical issues that have complicated and delayed the grounded fleet’s return to service over many months.

“The latest glitch, which Boeing said Friday it was working to correct, prevents the jet’s flight-control computers from powering up and verifying they are ready for flight, according to industry and government officials. ‘We are making necessary updates and working with the FAA on submission of this change, and keeping our customers and suppliers informed,’ a Boeing spokesman said.

“Before the problem was discovered last week, according to people briefed on the details, the company and the Federal Aviation Administration were slated to conduct a key certification flight by the end of this month. But at this point, these people said, that date increasingly looks like it will slip into at least February.” WSJ

CLICKER -- “The nation’s cartoonists on the week in politics,” edited by Matt Wuerker -- 14 keepers

GREAT HOLIDAY WEEKEND READS, curated by Daniel Lippman (@dlippman):

-- “The Amish Keep to Themselves. And They’re Hiding a Horrifying Secret,” by Sarah McClure in Cosmo: “A year of reporting by Cosmo and Type Investigations reveals a culture of incest, rape, and abuse.” Cosmo

-- “Shadow of a Doubt,” by NYT Magazine’s Emily Bazelon: “In 2011, Michael Shannon was wrongly convicted of murder, even though two jurors voted to acquit him — a result of a Louisiana law rooted in discrimination. Michael Shannon in November 2019. But for defendants like Shannon — and the holdout jurors who believed in their innocence — it has left a bitter legacy.” NYT

-- “‘American Oligarchs: The Kushners, the Trumps and the Marriage of Money and Power,’ by Andrea Bernstein: An Excerpt” -- NYT: “Of hundreds of cousins, grandparents, sisters and brothers, uncles and aunts, only a handful, including Lisa, Rae, and their father, Naum, made it through—through the destruction of their home and the confiscation of their business; through family separations and multiple mass executions, starvation, lice, beatings, forced labor, German dogs, and Nazi bullets; past barbed wire; through months of hiding in the forest, braving the Polish winter, a trek across international borders, and years in a displaced persons camp.” NYT ... $28.50 on Amazon

-- “The Past and the Future of the Earth’s Oldest Trees,” by The New Yorker’s Alex Ross: “Bristlecone pines have survived various catastrophes over the millennia, and they may survive humanity.” New Yorker

-- “The Mysterious Lawyer X,” by Evan Ratliff in California Sunday Magazine -- per’s description: “Epic, unputdownable true-crime tale from Australia. The twist is revealed fairly early in the story, so there is no harm in teasing it here: The go-to criminal defence lawyer for Australia’s top gangsters is a police informer, and has been one right through her career. The good news is that she helped police put away dozens of murderers and drug traffickers while purporting to defend them. The bad news is that the gangsters are now walking free, their trials invalidated and their convictions overturned.” California Sunday

-- “How I Learned to Talk,” by Emily Fox Gordon in The American Scholar: “Conversation once offered entry into other people’s minds. Has that disappeared?” American Scholar

-- “The Baron of Botox Is Gone, But His Face Lives On,” by Justine Harman in Medium: “Dr. Fredric Brandt redefined cosmetic dermatology forever by bringing a smooth, plump, and ageless face to the masses.” Medium (h/t

-- “My decade as a fugitive: ‘I felt I could be killed at any moment’” -- The Guardian and California Sunday Magazine: “After fleeing the scene of a crime, Waymond Hall vanished into Oakland. He feared he had grown up just like his father.” Guardian

-- “All we owe to animals,” by Jeff Sebo in Aeon Magazine: “We breed and kill at least 100 billion animals per year for food and at least 115 million per year for research. Fishing kills 1-3 trillion animals per year. Deforestation destroys animal habitats. Building and vehicle collisions kill at least a billion animals per year. This year, more than 300 birds were injured or killed in collisions with a building in North Carolina in a single night.” Aeon (h/t

-- “The Middle East Isn’t Worth It Anymore,” by Martin Indyk in WSJ’s Saturday essay: “With few vital American interests still at stake there, the U.S. should finally set aside its grandiose ambitions for the chaotic region.” WSJ

-- “So long, salt and vinegar: how crisp flavours went from simple to sensational,” by Amelia Tait in The Guardian: “It was five decades after crisps were invented that flavouring was applied: cheese and onion. Now you can buy varieties from bratwurst to spiced cola. But what inspired this explosion?” Guardian (h/t

-- “Catholic Church Shields $2 Billion in Assets to Limit Abuse Payouts,” by Josh Saul in Bloomberg Businessweek: “Dioceses are aggressively moving and reclassifying holdings to shrink the value of their bankruptcy estates.” Bloomberg Businessweek

MEDIAWATCH -- Jason Karaian is joining the NYT as the DealBook editor based in London. He previously was global finance and economics editor at Quartz. Announcement


Send tips to Eli Okun and Garrett Ross at

SPOTTED: Pam Bondi on a flight from Tampa to DCA this morning. Pic

SPOTTED at a farewell for Australian Ambassador Joe Hockey and his family at Dock 5 in Union Market on Friday night: Mick Mulvaney, Bret Baier, Greg Norman, Armenian Ambassador Varuzhan Nersesyan, Japanese Ambassador Shinsuke Sugiyama, Irish Ambassador Dan Mulhall, Bosnia and Herzegovina Ambassador Bojan Vujić, New Zealand Ambassador Rosemary Banks, Kathy “Coach” Kemper, Katrina Cooper, Tony Abbott, Chris Liddell, Renee Lidell, Kaivan Shroff, Anthony Pratt, Jeff Tracey, Norah O’Donnell, Mary Brady, Jonathan Swan and J. Eric Smith.

SPOTTED at Steve Biegun's swearing in as deputy secretary of State on the 8th floor of the State Department on Friday: Joe Hagin, Jim Carroll, Chinese Ambassador Cui Tiankai, Bill Cohen, Denis McDonough, Stephen Hadley, John Thornton, Devon Spurgeon, Ziad Ojakli, Matt and Mercy Schlapp, Andrea Mitchell and Marc and Pam Thiessen. Pic

TRANSITIONS -- Avery Boggs is now group VP for policy communications at Charter Communications. She previously was executive VP for marketing and strategy development at PLUS Communications. … Carmiel Arbit is now a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council. She previously was director for strategic engagement at AIPAC.

BIRTHDAYS: Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-Fla.) is 49 … Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas) is 77 … Brett Horton, COS to House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) … Martin O’Malley is 57 … Brian Callanan, general counsel at Treasury … Ellen Eckert … Ben Adams is 39 … Brandye Hendrickson, deputy director at the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials … Kirk Bell … Kara McKee … Kelly Kundinger … Ben Jealous, chairman of 20X Ventures, is 47 … Christian Palich, senior adviser to Interior Secretary David Bernhardt (h/t wife Minyet Palich) … Sandy Cannold, EP for CNBC’s “The Exchange” and “Power Lunch” … Anna Morris of Treasury … Lindsay Monaghan … POLITICO’s Evan Gaskin … Phil Chambers … Yagmur Cosar, comms director at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Corporate Citizenship Center … outgoing FT editor Lionel Barber is 65 … Yudhijit Bhattacharjee, contributing writer at National Geographic and contributor to The New Yorker and the NYT Magazine, is 47 … Alex Korey … Jeffrey Goodell ...

… Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms is 5-0 … Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar is 41 … National Review’s John McCormack … Beth DeFalco, managing director at Mercury … Paul Equale (h/t Jon Haber) … Jonathan Serrie, Fox News correspondent in Atlanta … Adam Radman, director of advocacy at Americans for Tax Reform … JoAnne Wasserman … Allie Wright … Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen is 76 … Ryan Taylor, VP at Forbes Tate Partners … GMMB’s Samara Yudof Jones … Caroline Ross … APCO’s Gadi Dechter iis 45 … former Sen. Paul Kirk (D-Mass.) is 82 … former Rep. Mike Michaud (D-Maine) is 65 … Jonathan Hayes … NBC’s Jane Timm … Laura (Maloney) Johnsen … David Jacobs … WJLA anchor Dave Lucas … Josh Orton … Bryce Cullinane is 34 … Craig Shaffer … George Nassar … Nan Powers Varoga … John Hume is 83 … Andrew Sullivan, partner at Hudson Pacific … George Aldrich (h/t Teresa Vilmain) … Sarah Muntzing … Matthew Kemeny

SUNDAY SHOWS, via Matt Mackowiak, filing from Austin:

-- NBC’s “Meet the Press”: Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) … Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) … report on a focus group in Milwaukee, WI. Panel: Co-authors and The Washington Post’s Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker (“A Very Stable Genius: Donald J. Trump’s Testing of America”), former Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD) and radio host Hugh Hewitt.

-- ABC’s “This Week”: Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) ... Harvard professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz ... Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) ... Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.). Panel: ABC News political analyst Matthew Dowd, former Mayor Rahm Emanuel (D-Chicago), Republican strategist Sara Fagen and The Wall Street Journal’s Gerald Seib.

-- CBS’ “Face the Nation”: Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) … Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) … former Trump White House National Economic Council director Gary Cohn … CBS News’ Jan Crawford. Panel: The Wall Street Journal’s Gerald Seib, USA Today’s Susan Page, CBS News’ Ed O’Keefe and CBS News’ Weijia Jiang.

-- “Fox News Sunday”: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) … Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.). Panel: Former Bush White House senior adviser Karl Rove, Axios’ Jonathan Swan, GOP pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson and The Washington Post’s Charles Lane … “Power Player of the Week” segment with professional endurance athlete Colin O’Brady.

-- Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” (10am ET / 10am CT): Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) … Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) … Trump organization executive vice president Donald Trump, Jr..

-- Fox News’ “MediaBuzz” (11am ET / 10am CT): The Federalist publisher Ben Domenech … Fox News correspondent Gillian Turner … former PBS correspondent Ray Suarez … Fox Nation host Lara Logan … Democratic strategist Joe Trippi … conservative commentator Gayle Trotter.

-- CNN’s “Inside Politics” (8 a.m. ET): Panel: The New York Times’ Julie Hirschfeld Davis, The Wall Street Journal’s Michael Bender, TIME Magazine’s Molly Ball and CNN’s Nia-Malika Henderson.

-- CNN’s “State of the Union” (9 a.m. ET / 12 p.m. ET): Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) … Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO). Panel: CNN political commentator Mary Katharine Ham, Democratic strategist Karen Finney, former Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-VA) and Rep. Michael Walz (R-FL) (substitute anchor: CNN’s Brianna Keilar).

-- CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” (Sunday 10 a.m. ET): The Atlantic’s Anne Applebaum and Carnegie Moscow Center senior fellow Alexander Gabuev, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace senior fellow Karim Sadjapour … RAND Corporation’s Ariane Tabatabai … former Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd … author and Morgan Stanley head of emerging markets and chief global strategist Ruchi Sharma (“The 10 Rules of Successful Nations”).

-- CNN’s “Reliable Sources” (Sunday 11a.m. ET): Panel: Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick, former Clinton White House press secretary Joe Lockhart and Washington Post columnist Margaret Sullivan … The Los Angeles Times’ Sarah Wire and Politico’s Meredith McGraw … Media Matters for America senior fellow Matt Gertz … former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau and Snapchat “Good Luck America” host Peter Hamby.

-- Univision’s “Al Punto” (Sunday 10 a.m. ET): Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador … “Caminata por la Verdad, la Justicia y la Paz” organizers Julián LeBarón, Alberto Athie and Javier Sicilia … actor Antonio Banderas … Rep. Sylvia Garcia (D-TX) … former Assemblywoman Lucy Flores (D-NV) and Democratic analyst Ana Maria Archila … Univision News’ Jorge Cancino.

-- C-SPAN: “The Communicators” (Saturday 5:30 p.m. ET): U.S. Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), questioned by The Hill’s Emily Birnbaum“Newsmakers” (SUN 10am ET): Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), questioned by CQ Roll Call’s Jason Dick and National Journal’s Zach Cohen … “Q&A” (SUN 8pm & 11pm ET): New Hampshire Union Leader publisher John McQuaid.

-- MSNBC’s “Kasie DC” (Sunday 7 p.m. ET): Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) … Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R-AR) … former Rep. Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.) … Republican strategist Brendan Buck … The Los Angeles Times’ Eli Stokols … WBUR’s Kimberly Atkins … NBC News’ Josh Lederman … former FBI assistant director Frank Figliuzzi … The Wall Street Journal’s Catherine Lucey … NPR’s Susan Davis … MSNBC political analyst Mike Barnicle.

-- Gray TV’s “Full Court Press with Greta Van Susteren”: Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) … Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) ... Bloomberg News’ Kevin Cirilli.

-- Sinclair’s “America This Week with Eric Bolling”: Congressional candidate Robert Hyde (R-CT) … White House principal deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley … Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) … Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman … radio host Seb Gorka … congressional candidate Liz Matory (R-MD).

-- Washington Times’ “Mack on Politics” weekly politics podcast with Matt Mackowiak (download on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify or Stitcher or listen at Author and CNN national security analyst Peter Bergen (“Trump and his Generals: The Cost of Chaos”).

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